Hello, I was a Postdoc at the University of Regensburg, working in the group of Denis-Charles Cisinski and interested in everything (higher) category theory.
I received my PhD in 2018 from the University of Regensburg under the supervision of George Raptis and Uli Bunke.
You can find course material for the lecture 'mathematics of machine learning' including notebooks for the Kaggle competition here
Papers & preprints
- The universal coCartesian fibration, jt. with Denis-Charles Cisinski, preprint, arxiv
- A note on coCartesian fibrations, preprint, arxiv
- ∞-type theories, jt. with Taichi Uemura, preprint, arxiv
- Higher weak (co)limits, adjoint functor theorems, and higher Brown representability, jt. with George Raptis and Christoph Schrade, Doc. Math. 27, 1369-1420 (2022),journal, arxiv
- Covariant & Contravariant Homotopy Theories, preprint, arxiv
- Adjoint functor theorems for ∞-categories, jt. with George Raptis and Christoph Schrade, J. London Math. Soc., Vol. 101, Issue 2, journal
, arxiv
- On the infinite loop space structure of the cobordism category, Algebraic & Geometric Topology, Vol. 17, Issue 2, journal, arxiv
- Theorems in Higher Category Theory and Applications, available here
- Mathematics of Machine Learning, Lecture, Winter 23/24
- Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie, Exercise class, Summer 23
- Turing machines, Lambda calculus and proofs as programs, Seminar, Summer 23
- Algebraic Topology I, Exercise class, Winter 22/23
- Funktionentheorie, Seminar, Winter 22/23
- Logik und Algebra, Seminar, Winter 22/23
- Topoi, Logic & Forcing, Seminar, Summer 22
- Derived Functors and Cohomology through Higher Categories, Exercise class, Winter 21/22
- Angewandte Kategorientheorie, Seminar, Winter 21/22
- Higher Category Theory II, Lecture, Summer 21
- Higher Category Theory, Exercise class, Winter 20/21
- Examenskurs Algebra und Zahlentheorie, Winter 20/21
- Algebraic Topology II, Lecture, Summer 20